The unconscious effect you have on people, and people have on you – 11 July 2016

Today I become more aware of the impact people’s attitudes can have on you as an individual. Their moods can be transferred over to you without you even being aware of it happening!

Have you ever been around a person that was just so negative, about everything, constantly complaining, never satisfied, like the world, and everything in it, has a personal vendetta towards them? Or have you spent some time with a person that had a joyful demeanour, looked for the good in ordinary situations, and found something to be cheerful about even in unpleasant experiences? I’m sure we have all been with both kinds of people.

Now think about who you would rather spend time with, more importantly, think about what kind of person you are when you are in their company, and who you continue to be when you part ways?


If you think about these questions I am certain that you will find, that if you are in the company of a negative person, regardless of your best efforts to remain positive, you will either begin to show those same negative emotions and carry them with you for a time or leave feeling completely drained.

The opposite is also true if you are feeling slightly down and you spend time with a person that has a positive outlook, you will most likely leave feeling uplifted and less burdened even if none of your worries were made mention of or discussed.

Today I was with a person that was of the negative sorts…. and I can most definitely say that by the end of the day I was not only mentally and emotionally exhausted, but I was temperamental myself.

This observation got me thinking about the effect I have on people. Do I transfer negative or positive emotions? Do people I interact with leave feeling cheerful or drained? If I am completely honest with myself I would have to say that it’s a bit of both, however, I am going to make sure that I become more aware of what I say and what atmosphere my attitude creates for those with me.

Today I am grateful that I had a day with a negative person, and that I was able to recognise the effect that it had on me. I hope that next time I ask myself those same questions that I will be able to confidently say, that I have given off more positive vibes than negative ones.


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