Angels….. In the form of friends

How solid is your support system outside your immediate family?

Humour me for a moment, think about your friends. How much do you rely on them? I’m not only referring to the physical aspect of things, I want you to specifically think about the unseen support they offer to you. Who do you call when you need advice or maybe just to let off some steam? Do you have someone who you can call at any time, day or night, and they will be there to assist you?

Humour me for a moment, think about your friends. How much do you rely on them? I’m not only referring to the physical aspect of things, I want you to specifically think about the unseen support they offer to you. Who do you call when you need advice or maybe just to let off some steam? Do you have someone who you can call at any time, day or night, and they will be there to assist you?

If you answered yes to the above consider yourself lucky!


I can consider myself “lucky” too :). You see, there are two programmes that have been established by, and form part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, these programmes are called Home & Visiting Teaching (click on the link for more information). 

In short, each member/family is assigned home teachers (males) and visiting teachers (females), once each month your home & visiting teachers come and visit with you, share a spiritual message and find out if there is anything you need or that they can do for you.


I have awesome home and visiting teachers, Deryn and Tracy Venski. Every month, without fail they come and visit me and every time they leave I feel uplifted, their visits in my home are like a breath of fresh air! But I am actually double lucky, these two angels aren’t just the “once a month visitors”, they are my friends! I can call them for anything whether it be me or one of my children needing a lift somewhere, a Priesthood Blessing when someone is sick or afflicted, or a WhatsApp conversation in the middle of the day where we can be each others sounding block.

I have, through these two angels, gained a testimony of the importance of these two programmes, I know that they are truly inspired.

Today I am grateful for the home and visiting teaching programmes of the church. I am grateful that I have such wonderful people to be my home and visiting teachers and I am grateful for my testimony and membership of the church.

visiting teaching uplift


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