When the taps run dry! :( 15 – 17 July 2016

What an eventful weekend! Actually, eventful is an understatement!

After what felt like the longest week of the year so far, I had a really bad week at work, to say the least! I was so looking forward to having a nice hot shower as if to wash off all the week’s frustrations and start my weekend off relaxed at home with my two little monkeys…. Well, did I have another thing coming….

The water pressure was so low that it wasn’t even enough to run a shower or a bath for that matter so it was a bucket with kettle boiled water courtesy of the swimming pool…. I was not impressed!

Took a deep breath and carried on determined not to let my weekend be as bad as my week, woke up early the next morning because we had a busy schedule for the day, stripped the lines from the kids beds and put them on in the washing  machine and all was fine, yippee I thought to myself, made breakfast, got Tiara dressed and then took the linen off my bed to wash, started the washing machine and in the water ran, for about 2 minutes… then not a drop! This must be a joke right? Wrong! The water was now not only slow but it was completely gone!!!! And my sheets were already wet and soapy. This was not going well!

To cut a long story short the water remained off, that’s right, not even a single drop from the taps all through the weekend! At 21:40 on Sunday evening the water was finally restored, how absolutely glad I was!

I washed, and dried my sheets, had the most wonderful shower, washed my hair and then still styled it for work the next day.

At 01:00am on Monday morning I crept into my bed, enjoyed my freshly washed sheets and loved the fact that I was able to wash my hair and feel human again!

Today I was most grateful for something I take for granted far to often, I was grateful for running water from my taps!


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