How beautiful thy temples, Lord!

How beautiful they temples, Lord! Each one a sacred shrine, where faithful Saints, with one accord, engage in work divine. How beautiful some aid to give to dear ones we call dead, but who indeed as spirits live; they’ve only gone ahead.

How beautiful the message, Lord, the gospel, pure and true, in these our days to earth restored and taught to men anew. How beautiful its faith and hope; all mankind it would save, including in its aim and scope the souls beyond the grave.

How beautiful thy promise, Lord, that we may grow in truth, and live, exhalted by thy word, in endless, glorious youth. With loved ones sealed in holiness by sacred temple rites, worlds without end we may progress from heights to greater heights.

How beautiful thy temples Lord. Hymn #288, LDS Hymn Book

On a Saturday morning when we had not much else to do I took the kids and we went off to the temple for a morning of beauty beyond this world and a feeling of complete peace amidst sore trials that only the Saviour can bring.

Enjoy the happy snaps.

The front entrance, usually a fountain, but a nativity scene is set up each year over the festive season.

The children enjoyed climbing on the various ways up to take these photos.

Two different views of the temple

Life is short, stop and smell the roses!

Some of the beautiful gardens

It’s always better to look up!

Taigen loved the little stream, watching the water go down the rocks and dropping pebbles in and watching them go.

I thought I knew what love was, until someone called me Mom!

Some interesting facts about the Johannesburg South Africa temple.

It was announced 1 April 1981, the groundbreaking ceremony was held on November, 27 1982, and it was dedicated by Gordon B. Hinckley on 24 August 1985. It was dedicated with the most beautiful prayer. I love it! Read the dedicatory prayer here.

Gratitude Journal – September 2018

Why is it that only when the tough times hit do we apply our very best efforts to draw on Heavenly powers? Well, at least this is one of the challenges that I need to work on, but I guess that’s how we all learn, by a series of repetitive mistakes.

So it is my challenge to start my daily gratitude journal again.

When I started this blog it was during a time of difficulty and it got me through what I thought then was my toughest year, let’s just say that things did get better and then they got worse and then better and then worse again….. and so it continues, which is the cycle of just about everyone’s life (or at least I hope it’s not just me….) but what I have so clearly learned is that my focus on the good is largely what got me through that particular season on trial and it’s exactly what will get me, and you, through every trial or burden we are asked to bear.


There is a positive in every single day, it is way easier to get so focused on the negative that we don’t even realize the positive and that’s when life gets really dark and you start feeling like its more than you can bear.

01 – 09 September 2018

Seeing as I am starting this halfway through the month and it’s been quite an eventful one I am going to just sum up the main thing that I have been so very grateful for up until now. That one thing is the restoration of Priesthood Power to this dispensation.

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my journey of true conversion didn’t happen in a single moment like a light being switched on in a room, instead, it happened and is still happening line upon line, precept upon precept, one testimony at a time. One of the first real testimonies I can remember getting my own personal confirmation of is that of Priesthood Power, more specifically Priesthood blessings. 

I was incredibly blessed to have a dad that held the priesthood and took the responsibility to honor that priesthood power he bore with great respect and reverence very seriously. He gave me the most incredible blessings and helped me truly feel on my individual worth and how much my Father in heaven loves me. My dad had such an incredible connection with his Father in heaven. Whenever I was in despair or feeling overwhelmed he was my go-to-guy and he was always there and relayed the message exactly as it was needed, not always the message I had hoped to get but always what I needed to hear. Since his passing receiving a blessing from him is one of the things I have longed for the most.

In the last few weeks, I have had a couple (maybe a bit more than a couple) of priesthood blessings from a few of my priesthood leaders and the last two blessings I have requested were when I truly felt like I was over my ability to bear what was currently happening and they were the most incredible blessings!

While getting the blessings I felt like it was my dad giving me those blessings, there was council given and promises made that was as if this person knew me and how my mind and emotions worked since I was a little girl, as I thought about this and just embraced the indescribable feelings of comfort and love that I felt after receiving those blessings, it clicked, like an ah-ha moment, that the priesthood blessings that I had received were from my father, directly, only it wasn’t my earthly father it was my Heavenly Father, and He does know me, better than I know myself, and He does love me, more than it is possible for a human to love, and that the person giving the blessing was acting as the mouthpiece of the person that loves me more than anyone else can.

So up until now, I am so truly grateful for the Priesthood power that has been restored to the earth and I am also so grateful for honorable men who conduct themselves in such a way that allows them to righteously exercise that priesthood that they bear in order to bless the lives of those in need.

For more information on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, what the priesthood is, what priesthood blessings are please click on the links where the wording is highlighted in blue


10 –  16 September 2018

When someone uses the phrase “ministering of angels” what first comes to your mind?

Well, for me, the answer to that question would be a rare and unique spiritual experience, reserved for those that we read about in the scriptures and the prophets and religious leaders we look up to for guidance. But during this week I had the privilege to learn that being ministered to by angels isn’t reserved for those elect few and doesn’t have to involve heavenly beings either, in fact, in most cases it happens to ordinary people by ordinary people. Let me elaborate.

This month has so far been one full of trials, and when I say full I mean like nearly to the brim, and heavy trials at that, and normally I cope well under stress and can keep an outwardly positive attitude and in most cases that in some form “faked” positive attitude gets absorbed internally, kind of using the “fake it till you make it” logic, but this week was a real tough one! No matter how hard I tried to be outwardly positive it just wasn’t happening. The mind ran around in circles, the anxiety levels were through the roof, everything was falling apart, and then in private, the tears flowed, and boy did they flow! I felt like I was alone, and it was the scariest feeling I have had in a while, and the very day I was sitting at my desk trying to figure out why, what, how, and who, a truly lovely lady walked into my office and “out of the blue” handed me a book (with a chocolate, yum!) she said that she had had the book on her desk for a couple of weeks already with the intention of bringing it over to me but just never got around to it.

I was amazed to say the very least! There I was feeling so overwhelmed and a bit forsaken by all heavenly strength and then sister Carey walks in and quite literally hands me an answer to me prayers! She hadn’t a clue how I was feeling on that particular day, the fact that she had intentions to give me the book weeks before but hadn’t and then on that exact day she did, that was all the Spirit, and that is where my lesson started.

Ministering angels seldomly are in the form of heavenly beings, it happens by you and I being willing to be instruments in the hands of our Lord and sensitive to the Spirits promptings, and then, most importantly, quick to obey! Each one of us can be a ministering angel to someone else and the best part about it is that we might not even know it.

This week I was grateful for the lesson I learned again that I am never really alone, my Heavenly Father, my Saviour, the Redeemer of the world, will NEVER forsake us. I was grateful, so very grateful for ordinary people who live their lives in such a way that they an be used as ministering angels to others and in that I will make a more concerted effort to make myself available for the Lord to use to bless the lives of other and I pray that I may be sensitive to those promptings and quick to obey, and last but not least I am beginning to understand the concept of being grateful for our trials because without them we will miss out of wonderful opportunities to learn, grow, and see the hand of the Lord in our lives.

For a lovely talk on the subject of the Ministering of Angels click on the link


17 – 23 September 2018

I can do hard things! I am so grateful for the confidence this gives me.

This week there was a couple of things I had to do that I considered to be hard, where I felt like I was kind of thrown in the deep end and the people doing the trowing expected me to sink, and at first, when thrown into the figurative waters, I was sure I was going to sink too. But I didn’t! I swam, although unsure if I could, or how far I would get before I lost my confidence, I gave it all the effort I could gather at that point in time and I did it, I swam, I am still swimming, and I will continue to swim until I reach the end of the waters. Sometimes there will be currents, and tides, and all sorts of elements that make our swim easier or harder but swim we must and swim we can, even in the storms.

There is a talk that I have linked here that teaches us that not only we can do hard things but that hard things are good for us! It really is a good talk and provides some stimulating food for thought. Hard is Good!

While doing these hard things I had a song that I kept repeating in my mind. Listen to it here. Peace in Christ


24 – 30 September 2018

This week I am grateful for my children! They are such special people with such a uniqueness about them.

It has been both of their birthdays recently and I have just been able to reflect on the growth I have seen not only in them but in myself too as I teach them and they teach me.

Countless times since I have become a mom I feel like I get to experience a glimpse of what our Heavenly Father must experience watching us, and how He feels about us and it quite honestly just leaves me is such awe.

I love my children unconditionally, there is nothing that they can do that will make me love them any less, no matter what they do or who they become they will always be my children and that love will always be there, through the years, or even days and moments I experience a whole range of emotions from utter happiness and joy as I watch them play, and then, of course, there is the part of feeling hurt and disappointed as they stumble and fall, which turns into pride as I witness how they pick themselves up, grow and learn from their experiences. I would lay down my very life for them.

And then I cannot help but think of my Father in heaven…..

I am an imperfect person with shortcomings and weaknesses and yet I love another being so much that I am willing to sacrifice my life for them, how much more then does our Heavenly Father love each and every one of us, how much more do our successes make Him smile, how much more do our mistakes make Him hang His head, how much more does He do to try to teach us and guide us from things that can cause harm, if we would just but obey and trust.

What does it say about the amount that Heavenly Father loves us if He didn’t sacrifice His life for us but He sacrificed the life of His only begotten son for us? As much as I love my children I don’t know if I would be able to sacrifice one of them to save the other.

As I said I am left in utter awe at the amount of love He must have for each of us!!!!!


So to end off, good-bye September, thank you for the lessons which you brought and hello October, let’s be friends XOXO

The “real” job of a parent

First, from scratch let me make it clear that the thoughts expressed in this article are my personal opinions, it is not doctrine and there may be quite a few that disagree with some of my thoughts, but that’s OK, that’s the beauty of individuality, we don’t all agree all the time, at different stages in life and through different experiences in life we all have stronger feelings about certain things than others.

This post is about something that has been troubling my heart and mind a lot lately. What am I talking about? Abuse…….. I’m not talking the type of abuse that leaves physical evidence, although that type is just as unacceptable, I’m talking about the type that goes unseen, that hurts you inside, the kind that happens in places where you supposed to feel safe and then you step out into the world and pretend like it’s normal, the kind that no one knows about and very often, no one will believe. I’m talking about emotional abuse and other more sinister abuse that happens in a home!

Let me start off by saying that all forms of abuse are simply unacceptable, there are no grey areas, but I do think that emotional abuse is too often left in the dark or the behavioral effects of abuse are mislabeled. Emotional abuse can come from anyone but most of the time it comes from a person that is supposed to love and protect you, someone that you should be able to let your guard down around and be a little vulnerable at times, it can also happen to you at any age but the type that has been bugging me is parents that emotionally abuse their children and sometimes that abuse even continues into adulthood and they justify it by saying “I’m only trying to make sure his/her best interests are met”.

Now I can just imagine all the parents out there reading this are nodding their heads and thinking to themselves that they are so glad they don’t fall into that category but let me ask you, what is emotional abuse? Does it only count as emotional abuse if there is constant screaming, foul language, and degrading statements directed at the child?

Could we be unconsciously “abusing” our children when in our minds we are just trying to make things easier for them? I believe we can, and I also believe that we fall into this cycle without us even knowing it.

You might be thinking how on earth can I use such a bold term for making our children’s lives cushy? Well let me explain when you abuse something, for instance, alcohol, you are or think you are dependant on alcohol for your stability, happiness, acceptance, or whatever else the person has attached to that habit, the same with cigarettes, drugs, and a whole host of other habit-forming substances, but because the items I have mentioned above are inanimate objects they can’t impose any abuse on us instead we abuse ourselves by the misuse of them.

However, take that same scenario of forming a belief of dependency for happiness, stability, acceptance, etc and apply that to a parent-child situation and you have what I believe is a form of emotional abuse.

Children need to be allowed and in fact, they need to be encouraged to do things on their own, to figure out how to weigh up options and then decide which one will result in the best outcome for them. Will the make mistakes? Of course they will, but then we as parents should allow and encourage them to deal with those consequences, find alternative solutions, and make things right. Please understand I am not saying that we must leave our children to fend for themselves and do things that can put them in danger, we should teach them, council with them, and explain things to them instead of just shoving our opinions onto them.  Our childhoods are where we learn most of the necessary life skills for adulthood, so how can we expect an adult to make rational decisions that have been well thought out, or how to deal with consequences and difficult situations if all their childhood life you as their parent has just made all the choices and dealt with all the issues? The fact of the matter is they can’t! Then as an adult, they have to start learning all these skills that should have been already learned and which are much harder now to learn as the decisions and consequences are of more significance.


Parents, we should NOT want our children to be dependant on us, as they grow up and start forming their own opinions, likes and dislikes and even making their own decisions we should be proud, we should encourage, this is when the real work of parenting starts….

In the end, my opinion is that part of the measure of a “good” parent is how well they have taught their children not to need them.

And then the final responsibility of the parent is to let the child go! Care about them always, think about them often, but trust that you have raised them well enough that you do not have to always be a prominent part of their new lives. Trust me, a parent that is over-involved makes life unpleasant for all involved including the adult that used to be the child.

So to end off, let’s all resolve to be “good” parents.

While I’m Waiting

Right now as a family we are going through a dip in the rollercoaster called life.

Details about this trial may or may not become a post, I still haven’t quite figured out what the best way is to share this trial with the world on a public platform, but one day, if it’s meant to be I will have a moment of inspiration, but for now its enough to say that this trial is a family trial but each of us have our own challenges to deal with while enduring the trial.

For me personally, I have a very frustrating challenge at this stage of life because there is nothing I can physically do! And for those that don’t know me, that is not my cup of tea! I am a problem solver by nature when there is a challenge or a problem I analyze it, I dissect it and I try to establish why and where it came from and what are its roots, and then I go about looking for solutions in a very practical way, making lists of pro’s and con’s, trying different things to solve it and thinking about what impact the different solutions could have on everyone that it effects.

I must admit my approach to problems must drive some people crazy and especially those that have to live with me because they become my people to bounce things off of, but this feeling of helplessness is driving me mad!


I was listening to our playlist of music in the car on the way home yesterday and I was alone in the car which doesn’t often happen and so I was able to just let my mind reflect and while I was deep in thought about how I am going to cope with my own feelings of frustration because it’s something I can’t “fix” this lovely song come on and it was as if it was a direct message to me from my Saviour as to what I can do “while I’m waiting”. Its a song by John Waller called While I’m Waiting. I have added the lyrics for those that don’t have access to YouTube

While I’m Waiting – John Waller

I’m waiting
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint
I’ll be running the race
Even while I wait

I’m waiting
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it’s not easy, no
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
And I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint
I’ll be running the race
Even while I wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
I’ll be taking every step in obedience
While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint

And I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting
I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting
I will serve you while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting on You, Lord


YouTube Video – While I’m Waiting – John Waller

I have since had bits and pieces of the lyrics running through my mind and what a comfort it has been to my mind and heart.

Through this seemingly small and simple experiance, I can testify that the Lord is very aware of each of us, He knows our weaknesses, He knows our strengths, He knows what we need, and He knows perfectly when we need it! And sometimes, as frustrating as it might be, the best thing we can do is serve Him while we wait!



It was a dream….. that became a reality!

When someone asks you for a list of things to do in South Africa, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

For me, it was exploring Cape Town, the mother city.

Being a South African girl, born and raised, I had never before seen the beauty that is Cape Town, and the same can be said for my dear mom.

Visiting Cape Town for my mom was her lifelong (and I really do mean lifelong) wish. My mom is a simple soul, she has never been one for “big dreams” or fancy hopes, my dad took care of that department, my mom, you can say, is the very definition of a “plane-jane”, but going to Cape Town was her one thing, her fancy hope, her big dream and one that quite honestly she never envisioned experiencing.


But…. thanks to an all loving and extremely kind Father in heaven she was put in a position that allowed her to turn a dream into a reality.

And then, because my mom is the person she is, a sweet, loving completely selfless women of strength, a woman who puts her family above all else, including herself she decided to take her entire family along for the adventure. There were 9 of us!

The Cape Town crew was made up of Jeanne Andrews, aka mom, Frank Webster, mom’s older brother, Delores Webster, Frank’s lovely wife, Jarryd Andrews and Camilla Rowe, myself, and hubby and the 2 kiddies Tiara and Taigen.

Now as you can imagine this took quite a bit of logistical planning but what an absolutely unforgettable trip it made! One which I am personally so deeply grateful for!

So now that you have the background let’s get into the trip!

Twas the morning of the fifth of March, two thousand and eighteen….. before the first rays of dawn’s light kissed the horizon……. LOL 🙂

It was chilly, it was dark, but there was such a tangible sense of excitement that filled the atmosphere that day as half of the family (Frank & Delores met us there) bundled into the Krauss’s family combi with luggage loaded ready to make our way to Lanseria International Airport


The majority of us had never before been on an aeroplane so jumbled with the excitement was a few nerves floating around, for me anyway. But before long we were all checked-in and ready to go

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Photo: Just before going through the gates from left to right, Camilla Rowe, Jarryd Andrews, Jeanne Andrews, Tiara Berger, Taigen Berger, Me, Delores Webster, Frank Webster, JP Berger.

During the planning of the holiday, we were toying with the option of flying there and back as opposed to driving, Tiara so desperately wanted to fly. We told her that flying was very expensive and because of that only Nana (Jeanne) and Delores would be flying but we all going to go to the airport to say bye and then all our bags are going on the plane to save space in the cars. We had to get very creative for the surprise to stay a surprise because of the intelligence that little princess possesses!

Words cannot even begin to describe the look on Tiara’s face when she realised that she was actually flying too! It was truly a priceless moment between her and her nana!

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Photo: Tiara shortly after take-off, still unable to hide her excitement

We flew Kulula on the way there, Taigen was amazed at the size of the planes and their motors, he is a typical boy and loves all things big and powerful and fast! But he loved the fact that we were going on a green plane, his favourite colour! Still now when he hears a plane fly overhead he has to run outside and check if it’s “his plane”!

I had no idea what to expect so the take off was quite nerve wrenching for me and I have a thing with being at angles….. so I did not enjoy the sensation of climbing and then somewhere during the climb the pilot has to turn…… lets just say I came to the conclusion that I am a real “bang broek”!

All in all the flight was great, a bit of turbulence…… which again had me hanging on for dear life but an experience that grew on me and I would do it again.

Photos: Some happy snaps in-flight once my nerves had settled and I was able to hold the phone still…

Upon landing, we discovered just how huge Cape Town International Airport was! Massive doesn’t even come close! We walked and walked and walked, well everyone else walked while mom and I were pushed in wheelchairs, the whole wheelchair/moon-boot saga is a story on its own for another day! Just know that those wheelchairs were blessings! And when we finally got outside and thought our walking was over, we were directed to the car hire place which demanded even more walking!!!! But we did it, with some moans and groans, and some belly-aching laughs, like when JP nearly launched mom out of the wheelchair altogether…. we did it! Cape Town we have arrived!!!!

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Photo: The first view you have of Table Mountain as you step outside the airport. My apologies for the blur

The first day was a lot of settling in, driving around and finding our feet.

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We stayed at a lovely little place called “A Place In Thyme” which is in Fish Hoek.

Images of the outside of the chalets

Images of the kitchen and lounge of the main chalet


Breathtaking view of from the balcony

Cape Of Good Hope

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Photo of the sunrise, just magnificent!

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This is one of my favorite group photos we had!

After the gates of the Cape of Good Hope, we stopped off at a museum type place that had some very interesting stories and things to see.

At the viewing area of cape point, there were so many baboons! Boy these things are vicious, a tourist had a bread roll in her hand and she was attacked by one, luckily she wasn’t injured but the baboon would not stop until it got the food from her.

I very quickly gathered up Tiara and Taigen like a real mother hen and was a little less interested in the views and a little more anxious to get back into the safety of the car!

What really blew us away, no pun intended was the wind we experienced those first 2 days in the Cape! Even the best hair days stood no chance against that wind, Delores will attest to that fact 😉

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Group photo at Cape Point (above) and some other photos taken during the day (below).

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Chapmen’s Peak & Hout Bay

The wind had settled so we took a drive up Chapman’s Peak and went and had lunch in Hout Bay. Possibly the freshest fish and chips I have ever had!

Although beautiful beyond description my nerves were on top form during the drive up Chapman’s Peak and even more so because of the wind we experienced when we first arrived, I did warn you all that I am the scaredy cat of the lot!

One thing that we saw a lot of was cyclists that were training for the Cape Argus that happens each year. I can not imagine cycling all the way up that mountain!

Our lunchtime stop off in was the Mariner’s Wharf Hout Bay where we also took a stroll around the harbour and saw all the old boats and even some seals waiting for the fisherman to drop a catch or two for them.

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While we ate we were entertained by this talented young man with a song and a tune on his guitar.

Groot Constantia Wine Estate & Simon’s Town Mineral World

We took a drive out to Groot Constantia with the intentions of going through the winery and learning more about how wine is made even though we don’t drink it at all it was more for the experience but when we got there the paths that you had to walk on was all gravel stones and with me being bound to a wheelchair, for the most part, we decided to rather just have an afternoon tea at the coffee shop there. We had some fun waiting in the car and saw some pretty unique things

Grapes hanging from the vines while the roads are paved with white roses, driving through there I really felt like royalty.

Frank and Taigen develop the greatest friendship on the trip, Taigen made Frank laugh with his quirky comments and personality and Taigen just though Frank was amazing, even more so when he found out that Frank could take his teeth out!

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Mom posing at the cheese and wine boards

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Frank & Delores having a moment, the love these two have for each other is nothing but admirable!

The little cafe had quite a rustic yet refined feel to it with all these decorations

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On our way back to the chalet we stopped off at Simon’s Town mineral world for some gemstone digging, what fun the children, big and small, had!

And so ended another wonderful day but what day is complete without a few silly selfies and happy snaps that were taken back at the chalet

The V&A Waterfront

We had a fabulous time at the V&A Waterfront when we went on the harbour and canal cruises. The cruise directors were such fun it was definitely a holiday highlight for all of us!


On the harbor cruise, the children were fascinated by the “seals in wheels” that we saw.

The tour director also gave us a view of table mountain that you can only see and appreciate from the boat on the harbor. If you look at the side of the mountain you can see a profile of a persons face looking up at the sky. It was actually quite incredible to see.


That was week 1, days seemed to fly by, but the saying is true89d0fb_5664792

Our adventures of week 2 are still to come…. I had a technological disater where I lost ALL the pictures…. So while I am trying to recover those treasures #WatchThisSpace


Cresent Dinner Rolls

Compliments of Linda Dunn

Crescent Dinner Rolls

(makes 24 rolls)

2 Tbl. Active dry yeast

¼ cup + 1 Tbl. warm water

1 cup milk

3 eggs

½ cup sugar

½ cup canola oil

5 ½ cups all purpose flour, divided

2 tsp. salt



In a small bowl combine the yeast and water. Cover and let the mixture stand about 10 minutes.


Meanwhile, heat the milk in the microwave until just warm, not scalding.

In a large bowl, beat the eggs, sugar and oil with a whisk. Stir in milk and yeast mixture. Stir in 5 cups of flour and salt until combined. Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead to form a moderately soft dough, still slightly sticky.


Allow dough to rise covered with a towel or plastic wrap until double in size, 2-3 hours.

Punch dough down and divide into 3. Roll out the size of a dinner plate and cut into 8 triangles. Roll up into crescent rolls. Put 3 rows of 8 on a cookie sheet and bake at 400F 190C for 10 minutes. Alternate the oven racks halfway through the baking.

Serve with butter or prepare a granadilla or orange glaze using powdered sugar with the juice from the fruit until desired consistency. Drizzle over rolls right out of oven.

Chicken Rice Salad

Compliments of Linda Dunn:

Mix together:


2 Tbl. brown sugar

1tsp. salt

3Tbl. vegetable oil

1 Tbl. apple cider vinegar


Pour over:

4 cups cooked white rice

4 chicken breasts, cooked and cubed (2 cups)

1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple, drained


Let sit several hours or overnight


Then add-

1 cup celery

1/2cup chopped red pepper

¼ cup chopped green pepper

¼ cup green or red grapes, halved

1 (11-ounce) can mandarin oranges, drained

¾ cup cashew halves

½ cup light mayonnaise


Toss together and serve

A breath of fresh air… 30 January 2017

I was invited by Sister Linda Dunn (“Mission-Mom” to the Johannesburg, South Africa Mission June 2014 – March 2017) to attend a women’s gathering where we shared lunch, dessert, and testimony with each other. What a wonderful experience it was!

There were over 25 women that attended, and a fun-fact that I wasn’t aware of was that every stake in Gauteng had a representation there. There was most definitely a tangible spirit in the home of absolute strength, a strength that could bear ALL things, a strength that only is only developed by pressing forward through life with “bedrock faith” and an unshakable trust in Christ, our Saviour, and Redeemer.

Some of the ladies in the photo (left) above: Sister Makasi, Sarah Wentzel, Natalie & Tessa Brown, Sister Larson, Sister Mdletshe and her daughter, Me, Isabel Krauss.

We enjoyed an oh-so-tasty lunch of Chicken salad with fruit pieces and homemade rolls (click on the links for the recipes) and then a variety of deserts one being the most delicious trifle I have ever tasted (and I am not usually a trifle person)

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Photos: Left- Sister Wells and Sister Larson who serve at the JHB Mission office with the homemade rolls. Right – Wenzile, serving the food to all of us.


Photo: Dishing up in the kitchen was Irene Tshabalala, Sister Wells, Sister Dunn and Sister Larson.

We also had the opportunity to be edified and uplifted by the testimonies and experiences shared by those coming from, preparing to and currently are serving as missions in various capacities.

We heard from Sarah Wentzel who recently returned from serving an 18-month mission in the Salt Lake City, Temple Square Mission.


She spoke of some treasured experiences from her mission. She spoke of having the Saviour with her at all times because He cares about us individually and loves us so dearly He is there with us, standing shoulder to shoulder, navigating through this mortal experience together. She also mentioned the importance of following the promptings we get. Natalie Brown, Sarah and I had a wonderful discussion at our table about distinguishing what are promptings and what are just thoughts of our own and we reflected on the video series by Elder Bednar called “Patterns of Light” and came to the conclusion that if the thought leads us to do good it doesn’t matter whether it was from the spirit or ourselves we should just go with it. I have not known Sarah much and today was my first real interaction with her but she is a wonderful human being and her love and care for people is inspiring.


Photo: Sarah Wentzel and Irene Tshabalala

We then heard from Andronica Lebethoa, she will be leaving, along with her husband and 4 young children, to serve as Mission President and Companion in the Cape Town, South African Mission in just a few short months. She spoke of the special gift of sisterhood we share thanks to the Relief Society programme, how we can learn from different ladies throughout the different stages of our lives and together we help each other grow both temporally and spiritually. I loved how she stood with such humility yet confidence in her faith as she is about to embark on a new chapter in her life.


Photo: Andronica Lebethoa

Last but not least we heard from Sister Willis and Sister Foxx, they are serving as Seminary & Institute missionaries. They spoke of developing a relationship and relying on your scriptures to guide you through day-to-day living. Sister Foxx also shared her word for the year which was ASK. The answers are all there and they will come if we only but ask the question, the answers might not always be clear or the answers we are hoping for but the answers are there even if that answer turns out to be “wait”.


Photo from left to right: Sister Foxx and Sister Willis

Sister Dunn invited us to ponder a word for 2017 that we would apply to ourselves, after some reflecting and thinking I decided that my word for 2017 would be “FIRST” taken from a scripture in Matthew 6:33 KJV – But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I chose this word because in life we are so busy, and whilst we are busy doing good things I feel like I often neglect the important things like personal and family scripture study and prayer. I chose this word so that it is a reminder and a check point for me throughout the year to make sure that those important things are done and then focus on all the other good things that need doing.


How beautiful is this wall art???

To close off we were treated to a concert worthy musical item by Gianfranco Vizzini where he played the piano and sang “Come unto Christ” (follow the link to watch a version of the song from YouTube) (or you can get the sheet music and words here)


Photo from left to right: Elizabeth Vizzini (Gianfranco’s mom), Sister Dunn, Gianfranco Vizzini (the musical masterpiece)

It left me speechless and so filled with the spirit. I got goosebumps on top of goosebumps and then some more goosebumps on top of all the rest! It was the perfect ending to a perfect afternoon with an invitation that He has extended to all of us and continues to do so day after day,

Come unto Christ.

Come unto Him,

And by His grace be made holy again.

He’s calling your name.

He’s waiting for you

With arms open wide.

Come unto Christ.

So to say the least, this gathering, for me personally, was like a much-needed breath of fresh air. It renewed my hope, gave me the courage to carry on and most importantly reminded me that I am NEVER alone!


PS: All photo credits got to Sister Linda Dunn



Christmas….. all year round

Firstly…. HaPpY nEw YeAr!!!!!!!!!! I hope that 2017 will be a year of faith, fun, family & friends for all! I honestly cannot believe that the brand new year is already 11 days old! Anyway, over the December period I had a wonderful time spent with family and those friends that feel like family (I will post all about it later), but in amongst all the busy-ness I had a very profound thought, to me it was so profound that I even made a note on my phone about it so that I would remember to write about it. Here it is then…. Your thoughts are welcome 🙂


It goes without saying that this season was going to be a very difficult one for me and my family because it was the first without my dad *tears welling up just thinking about it…*. I was busy cleaning my kitchen (this is usually when I do all my thinking) and wondering what my dad would’ve been doing that would be special for Christmas if he were with us. I thought about it, and thought some more and then, just for good measure, I thought about it even more and I was puzzled as to why I couldn’t think of a single Christmas tradition my dad had and then it hit me, like a ton of bricks!

My dad didn’t change, there was nothing that he did over the Christmas period that he didn’t do any other day of the year, Monday – Sunday, 01 January – 31 December he was the same, and that, my friends, is exactly why he was so loved by all those who knew him, and it made me love and miss him just that much more.  Let me explain…

During the festive season, there is an almost tangible sense of peace on earth and goodwill toward men that can be felt everywhere you go. Sure there is still the insanely busy shopping malls, choc-a-block parking lots, and jam-packed highways but people, in general, have a sense of consideration for their fellow man, we are more willing to share what we have, we greet tellers with a smile and friendly “hello” or “Merry Christmas” even after standing in a que that felt like it was never-ending etc. I’m sure you have experienced this yourself, even your social media pages are flooded with posts of cheer, best wishes, uplifting video clips and encouragement to do good and think of others.

All the said emotions are clumped together and referred to as “The Christmas Spirit”, and oh what a wonderful spirit it is!


For the most part, I am generalizing now, the Christmas spirit arrives on it’s own about the 2nd week into December (when the work year is coming to an end and holidays are approaching) and leaves just as quickly and unnoticed again during the first week of January (usually when the reality of back to work and school dawns). And so it repeats itself every year.

Well with my dad, as I mentioned earlier, there was no change, he was kind and thoughtful where ever he went, he always greeted people with a smile, he was generous no matter what day it was and he never waited for a “season” to think of others before himself. He was “Christmas” twenty-four/seven, 365.


Having this realization caused me to reflect on my own life and that perhaps I am guilty of waiting for Christmas to be better. It made me want to change and become a little more like my hero.


I love you Dad. You were always, and still are my biggest fan, my best friend, the one that encouraged me like no one else could, you loved me NO MATTER WHAT, and you are without a doubt the best teacher I ever had, and though there is a veil between us now and a period of physical separation you still find ways to teach me lessons, uplift me and push me to do better and be better. I am so grateful that families can continue into the eternities and that we have that blessing in our lives.

A #PerfectDay! – 10 December 2016

Today I learned that sometimes the best things in life are free! I also was reminded that we (myself included) far too often take the simple pleasures for granted.

It’s been an extremely hot summer so far here in sunny South Africa, so with the business of the past month done and dusted and the activities of the festive season not yet upon us we had a breather in our calendar. A weekend where nothing had been planned! They really are few and far between!

So what to do???

Well on Friday night we followed our normal Friday night tradition, we pushed the couches together, brought the bedding through and got set for a night of hot dogs and movies in the lounge. JP and I have been doing this since just after we got married and it has become somewhat of an unwritten rule in our home, Friday nights are simply not Friday nights without hot-dogs and a “big-bed” (as Taigen calls it) in the lounge.

As a side note regarding hotdogs for my South African friends, we have tried many vieannas….. and can happily say so far the best we have found by far is from Spar, it’s their own brand called “Hotdoggers” (I have not been sponsored) 

Saturday morning came and the sun was out in all its glory….. it was HOT! By 8am we were already standing outside in the shade trying to absorb the little breeze there was. JP had an idea to blow up the little pool that we have for the kids (High-5 for that one babe) The kids were in their element.


Out came mom with the sun block and before the floor of the pool was even covered in water the kids were in, having the time of their lives. I do apologize to our neighbors….

What fun was had by all of us, yes even JP and I got into the little pool!

There was splashing, jumping, swimming underwater and even some tanning (I won’t mention the consequences I have suffered from a little innocent tanning….. my poor legs!)

Later on that evening my mom came over, we put some chicken pieces and boerewors on the braai and whipped up a few salads (coleslaw & potato) added some traditional South African pap and had ourselves a delicious supper.


All in all a #PerfectDay that cost us nothing!