A #PerfectDay! – 10 December 2016

Today I learned that sometimes the best things in life are free! I also was reminded that we (myself included) far too often take the simple pleasures for granted.

It’s been an extremely hot summer so far here in sunny South Africa, so with the business of the past month done and dusted and the activities of the festive season not yet upon us we had a breather in our calendar. A weekend where nothing had been planned! They really are few and far between!

So what to do???

Well on Friday night we followed our normal Friday night tradition, we pushed the couches together, brought the bedding through and got set for a night of hot dogs and movies in the lounge. JP and I have been doing this since just after we got married and it has become somewhat of an unwritten rule in our home, Friday nights are simply not Friday nights without hot-dogs and a “big-bed” (as Taigen calls it) in the lounge.

As a side note regarding hotdogs for my South African friends, we have tried many vieannas….. and can happily say so far the best we have found by far is from Spar, it’s their own brand called “Hotdoggers” (I have not been sponsored) 

Saturday morning came and the sun was out in all its glory….. it was HOT! By 8am we were already standing outside in the shade trying to absorb the little breeze there was. JP had an idea to blow up the little pool that we have for the kids (High-5 for that one babe) The kids were in their element.


Out came mom with the sun block and before the floor of the pool was even covered in water the kids were in, having the time of their lives. I do apologize to our neighbors….

What fun was had by all of us, yes even JP and I got into the little pool!

There was splashing, jumping, swimming underwater and even some tanning (I won’t mention the consequences I have suffered from a little innocent tanning….. my poor legs!)

Later on that evening my mom came over, we put some chicken pieces and boerewors on the braai and whipped up a few salads (coleslaw & potato) added some traditional South African pap and had ourselves a delicious supper.


All in all a #PerfectDay that cost us nothing!