My life, my story!

I was prompted to keep a record of my life last night and this is the way I have decided to use.

A journal is a wonderful thing, it is something that you can reflect back on and see how you have grown and changed, it is something that you can learn from and preserve precious moments in time, it will be a way for your family to get to know you long after you have left this mortal life.

I hope this will be beneficial and uplifting to me and all those who take the time to read it.

Who am I?

  • I am a daughter of God!

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was baptized on Saturday,04 March 2000. I was sealed for time and all eternity to my parents on 05 March 2001 and then sealed to my children 31 January 2015. These truths bring me more comfort and peace than any other knowledge I have. Come what may, my family will continue on  into the eternities.

Through the years of my membership I was shaken and tossed in my testimony of the truth, it was always there just dimmed for a  period. My conversion came gradually, my testimony grew stronger with time as I repented and applied the principles that I had been taught in my youth more fully.

My testimony and conversion continues to increase daily as I live the gospel. I am a long shot from perfect in anything but the Lord & my Saviour loves me anyway and that is something i am eternally grateful for.

Through all my days, in happiness, trials, sorrows and worries one thing I know for sure is that God lives, He loves me individually and that He literally is my Heavenly Father.


Photo: South Africa, Johannesburg Temple. 5a Jubilee Road, Parktown, Johannesburg

  • I am a mother!

20 August 2009 @ 00:55am….. The moment in time my life changed forever! I became a mother. I was blessed with a perfect little girl. We named her Tiara. A princess indeed straight from the loving arms of our Father in heaven. She was the start of my “firsts”, what a learning experience it has been and still is! One I wouldn’t exchange for anything.

26 September 2013 @ 00:50am….. A son, my son, mommies boy entered into his mortal existence. His name? Taigen! How I chose it? I don’t really know, I just liked the name.

As both my angels grow I am amazed how different they are. Tiara is gentle, Taigen is boisterous. Taigen is selfless, Tiara makes sure she is OK first. Tiara is dramatic, Taigen is care-free. Taigen loves to help with everything, Tiara…not so much. The list can go on and on but their uniqueness is exactly as it should be. I love them more than words can describe.


Photo: Tiara, 6 years old (bottom left); Me, 27 years old (top middle); Taigen, 2 years old (bottom right)

  • I am a daughter & sister!

I was born to two of the most incredible parents, William Andrews and Jeanne Sharon (Webster) Andrews. I cannot think of two individuals that have done more for me than my wonderful mom and dad, they have loved me unconditionally (which I think must have been near impossible at times, sorry!) they have gone without to make sure I had the best they were able to provide. I love them with all my heart.

When I was 5 and a half years old on May 30, 1995, I became a big sister! My brother was born, Jarryd Stephen Andrews. He was tiny! Over the years Jarryd and I haven’t exactly been the closest of siblings but I am so grateful that we all have the ability to change because now I can say I love my brother, I can look at him and be proud of the man he is becoming. He is a good person that has great potential and I am certain that he will reach that potential and magnify his calling on earth.


Photo from left to right: Mom, Jeanne, 52 years old; Me, 27 years old; brother, Jarryd, 22 years old.

  • I am a friend!

I have been fortunate to have a constant circle of friends through the different stages of my life, the circle might not have been the biggest but I can say that they were all genuine, another thing to be grateful for, how many people can say without a doubt that they have friends that will be there in happy times and then be there to bear you up in times of doubt. The list is way too long to mentioned them all by name, but you know who you are, THANK YOU!!!!

While I have had this blessing in my life at all times I feel a responsibility to also be that friend to others. I hope that when I am remembered those will be fond memories and that I can be counted as a “genuine friend” to those people.


Photo: Austen Gordon, 19 years old (bottom left); Bongiwe Mtsweni, 18 years old (bottom right); Me, 18 years old (top left); Olivia Gordon, 17 years old (top right)