Celebration, Celebration, Celebration! – 10 November – 04 December 2016

Just to get it out the way this post has not been sponsored by any of the establishments mentioned.

As the title says, our family has recently had 3 celebrations, all in the space of a couple of weeks!!!!

It was JP’s birthdays on 10 November. He turned 29 (he is feeling very old LOL so we are saying this in a whisper) It was our 8th wedding anniversary on 26 November and it was my 28th birthday on 4 December.

Now as you can imagine if we had to celebrate each of these separately it would be a budget’s worst nightmare! So what we do as a family is combine the 3 occasions and have one joyous family celebration.

My lovely mom, who I treasure more than she knows….. treated us to lunch at Burgerbox Roadhouse on our anniversary as an extra celebration that we didn’t expect. It was so good. Thanks mom ❤

Tiara; Mom; Taigen – Nana with her “special treasures” 

JP & Jarryd; Jarryd & Mom

Me and my world – Tiara, Taigen & JP

Pulling faces & Playing Peek-A-Boo

This year we went to Billy G’s at Silverstar Casino for dinner. It was quite fabulous! It’s a buffet restaurant so you can imagine, we left with VERY full tummies! We had sushi, some sort of beef stew, shrimps, salads and delicious pudding. It was definitely an enjoyable meal , and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a meal that can cater for the undecided LOL! And as a bonus, there is a pensioners price, children 6 years or younger eat for FREE and if you go on your birthday (remember to take your ID as proof) your meal is on the house! There is one little catch, you have to book!!!!! At least a week in advance because they fill up really quickly!

While we were there we took some photos. There is an open area in the middle of the food court with water features that are beautiful, especially at night because they light up in different colours. They also had a man-made “beach” there for the kids to play in as part of their holiday program.

From left to right: Me & Mom; Mom;  Jarryd and Mom

Tiara and Taigen by the fountains

JP & Jarryd brothers….. in law

Taigen – Always the joker; Tiara – Always the poser;

Two completely different little spirits, love them for their uniqueness 

Beautiful fountains of light and JP as can only be expected, running through them getting wet!


My whole world, wrapped up in 4 people ❤

When all is said and done I am so grateful! Grateful for my own life, grateful for my husband that I can share my life with and build one together, grateful for my children even when they drive me insane, grateful for my mom (and my late dad 😦 ) for all the joy and opportunities they have made possible for me and that they are STILL there, 28 years later, to support and help where they can. I love you guys eternally, through thick and thin! Thank you for loving me!

What a night it was! 27 September 2016

Wow, its been like a month since I last posted. One thing I can say is that time waits for no one. I am amazed at how full my days are and they just keep getting busier but I have also realized that we need to make time for what is important. If we say we will do something “when we have the time” well then guess what…. it will never get done! Journaling is important! It might not seem like something that should be on one’s list of priorities but I think it should be. Journaling is a way to record special occasions, life changing events, and even lessons learned from tough situations. A journal will allow people to get to know us in a way after we are long gone and it will allow us to reflect on the personal growth within each of us and those we love.

Journaling is important! It might not seem like something that should be on one’s list of priorities but I think it should be. Journaling is a way to record special occasions, life changing events, and even lessons learned from tough situations. A journal will allow people to get to know us in a way after we are long gone and it will allow us to reflect on the personal growth within each of us and those we love.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016 was definitely a night I would like to remember! We went to The Barnyard Theatre in Cresta to watch their own production 1 Hit Wonders


I love the Barnyard, the atmosphere there is amazing, you can dance, sing-a-long with the performers and just completely let your hair down without compromising any of your standards! It’s proper good, clean fun, I would highly recommend visiting there as often as you can.

What made this night even more enjoyable for me is the company that came along. I am so glad my family and friends that I love dearly were able to join us.

Jean-Pierre, Tiara, and Taigen Berger – it was  such a highlight for me to be able to treat you guys to a family night out where special memories were made and the bonds that link us were fortified. Love you guys to eternity and beyond

Left: Taigen & Tiara before the show started, they really are my favorite children in the whole wide world! 

Middle: My man (JP) with the drummer taken after the show. This guy was seriously amazing! JP was beyond impressed! 

Right: Me with all the female performers. The lady on my left was the bass guitarist, she was awesome!

Jeanne Andrews a.k.a Mom – I hope you enjoyed it, it was an emotional night for you in many ways because dad loved the barnyard more than any of us. Imagining him going absolutely crazy while the drummer did his solo, screaming at the top of his lungs between songs, and banging on the table like a teenager demanding an encore at the end of the show put a smile on my face and brought back some of the best memories. I know dad would want you to carry on doing the things you love and enjoying life to the fullest. Even though he wasn’t there in body I’m sure he would’ve been shaking his tush like only he can do!

Mom & her grand children! Unconditional love captured in a moment! Blessed are those that snuggle & hug, spoil and pamper, boast & brag for they shall be called Nana!

Deryn & Tracy Venski, Jaden & Crystal Swarts – Although it was very last minute thank  you for coming! Thank you for your continuous support over this very tough year, you were always there, always constant, through all the up’s & down’s you have been there like a north star! It was great seeing you enjoy yourselves! PS: That’s the fastest I have EVER heard of anyone get from 14th Avenue to Cresta….. that little Atos has hidden super powers I’m sure of it!


From left to right: Crystal Swarts, Jaden Swartz, Tracy Venski, Deryn Venski

Caitlin & Joseph Van Scheltema – You two are just fantastic…. I have not other words!!!! We didn’t know each other from a bar of soap and were drawn together through the inseparable friendship our little boy’s share! How glad I am that, however it came about, we became friends! I am so looking forward to a very long friendship with your family and plenty more gatherings of fun 🙂 oh, and Joseph, it was your first Barnyard experience! Pretty cool huh? Thank you guys for just simply being you, you are an example to me of what a happy, christ centered, family looks like. I hope to be able to emulate that one day!


Joseph & Caitlyn Van Scheltema and myself and JP


And last but not least, thank you Barnyard, Cresta for the 10 free tickets for that night! It was EPIC!!!!!
