The product of Christ-like love is service, and the product of Christ-like service is love!

This has been without a doubt the hardest part of my life so far and yet it has been such a spiritual growth spurt for me all at the same time! I could so clearly identify the hand of our perfect, loving Heavenly Father in every moment of this storm. This is also by far the hardest blog post I have written, hence it took me so long, but here it goes…..

The lessons I learned are in italics throughout the post in blue

Wednesday, 21 July 2016, an ordinary day, so routine some might say it was quite mundane and boring. I went to work, kids went to school. My mom was off sick at home and so Tiara got dropped off at my parents’ house for the afternoon, she had fun she says, she watched movies with Oupa and played outside, that evening I went and picked up Tiara and Taigen was so determined to say hello to Nana and Oupa. Jarryd (my brother) took him upstairs while I stayed in the car. Jarryd asked me if he could come spend the night at my house, he just wanted a change of company and scenery, this by-the-way, was completely out of character for him, it wasn’t even a half an hour later and I was off again, on my way to my house with Tiara, Taigen and Jarryd for the night leaving my mom and dad for a “date night with Castle”

Later that night I had such trouble sleeping, I kept tossing and turning for no apparent reason, getting quite frustrated at my lack of sleep I got up and changed into a much cooler pair of summer pajamas and got back into bed with a determination to fall asleep now, then it happened….. it was 03:03am on Thursday morning, 22 July 2016, and my cell phone rings, through squinted eyes I check the screen to see who on earth would be phoning me at this time, “Jeanne Andrews” I read and my mouth goes instantly dry.

The next voice I heard was that of my mom, calm but panicked (if that’s even possible) “Don’t panic” she says “but Dad is having a heart attack” I’m sure my mind was in disbelief because she had to repeat that statement a couple of times before I responded. Immediately I was up and dressed in under 10 minutes, I went through to the lounge where my brother was sleeping (he too had a very restless night) I woke him up told him what I knew, which wasn’t very much, and left him at the house while my children slept.

I saw the hand of the Lord here in a big way! Jarryd was at my house exactly when he needed to be so that I was able to leave my children without hesitation or concern and go and help my dad, at first Jarryd felt guilty that he wasn’t at home when it happened to help  my mom but in that moment he was exactly where he needed to be and he was a huge blessing to the situation. There are no such things as coincidences!

It was ice-cold outside but I didn’t feel a thing, when I got to my parents’ house my dad was as white as a sheet and he was completely wet from the perspiration. My mom and I quickly got my dad dressed and out the house, this I thought was going to be a challenge, there are 37 stairs to climb down from their house to the car park and my dad couldn’t hold himself up… to support him I went in front of him and he leaned on my shoulders as we went down the stairs, my dad was literally making me run down the steps and with every step I remember pleading with Heavenly Father that I would not lose my balance.

While playing the events of those early hours over in my mind I again could not deny the hand of the Lord in the details of those moments, firstly there was no way I would have physically been able to run down those stairs with the entire weight of my dad on my shoulders and the force of gravity and not lose my balance, then there was also the fact that my mom also got down all those stairs without a pause and in record time. Another tender mercy took place that morning with our car, for months the car had been struggling to change gears when it was cold, it was at a point that we would start the car in second gear and drive real slow till the engine warmed up and then change gears but that morning as icy as it was every gear change went without even a moments hassle, you wouldn’t say the gears had ever given problems.

We got to the hospital, my dad was seen by the doctor on duty in casualty and they started working immediately, I contacted my home teacher, Deryn Venski, and he came straight away and gave my dad a priesthood administration and blessing. They struggled for a long time to get a blood pressure reading and when they finally did it was 47/20 and his blood sugar was 36.1. Clinically he should have been dead, but he wasn’t, he was actually talking to us and was able to describe what he was feeling.

After some time he was stabilised and moved to the medical ward, that afternoon he was sitting up and looked his normal happy self, I had the opportunity to visit with him and he shared with me his experience from that morning, he said that all through the events he pleading and begging Father that his life would be spared this time so that his family could prepare themselves.

That was my dad, even on what seemed to be his death-bed he had no thought whatsoever for himself his prayers were for his family.

The days that followed was very much up and down with his condition and they seemed to go by in a blur for the family. I had a few very special moments with my dad that

I had a few very special moments with my dad that I will forever hold in my heart. I got to rub his back and shoulders for him while he rested his head on my chest, his hand gently tapping my leg in appreciation, I got to fill his water bottles for him over and over again, I got to help him move from one side of the bed to the other and fix his blankets and pillows.

It was in these moments that I learned and got to feel the depth of my Saviours love for me personally and for each and every one of us. I discovered that the truest form of love is service. That is what the Saviours entire life was about and that is all he ever did he just served others, why? Because he loved them! To really serve someone you need to love them in a way that overlooks their circumstances, appearances, and everything worldly, it is a feeling that made manifest by your actions. It is easy to serve those you love, it comes naturally. We are commanded to love our neighbors as ourselves, how is this possible? We need to serve! All the time!

The product of  Christlike love is service and the product of Christlike service is love! I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be of service to my dad and in doing so learn this valuable lesson in my life!

Sunday, 24 July 09:35am – The dreaded phone call from the hospital came…. “Mr. Andrews has taken a turn, you need to come” We were at church at the time, my mom, brother and I left with Bishop De Beer and we went to the hospital. My dad did not look in good shape, he had stopped breathing and was fighting the oxygen mask, as I stroked his head to try calm him down I had the impression to sing to him, he loved music, so there I was in a room that should have been, and probably was chaotic, with our heads resting against each other and I was signing gently into my dad’s ear :

“I am a child of God, and he has sent me here, 

Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.

Lead me, guide me, walked beside me,

Help me find the way.

Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.

As I sang his breathing slowed and he stopped fighting the oxygen. At that moment there was a connection like no other between heaven and earth, father and daughter, parent and child. A sense of peace filled my entire body, a sense of overwhelming assurance that EVERYTHING is in control and ALL IS WELL!

He was given a blessing by Bishop De Beer and President Krauss (Stake President of the Roodepoort, South Africa Stake)

Then we sat and waited outside in the hallway while the doctor worked. He tried his best with the resources he had available but sadly my dad passed away at 11:15am.

Were their tears? Many of them!!!! Crocodile tears in fact, but there was peace, there was comfort, and there was an undeniable assurance of the eternal perspective.

Our parting was not a goodbye it was until we meet again!

In an instant the testimony I knew I had about the Plan of Salvation became a rock solid conversion, I knew it and I believed it! It became so real to me, I could not and can never again question that doctrine taught to us from the very foundations of primary.

Needless to say the days just got busier from there, funeral arrangements and all those legalities are not for the faint heart let me tell you!

On Wednesday after most of the arrangements had been finalized and the hustle and bustle had settled my mom and I went to the temple. We had a truly lovely experience, as one always does in the temple, but this time there was a tangible spirit there, it brought much-needed peace and rest in the Lord to both my mom and I.

The funeral service was held on Friday, 29 July 2016 at the Krugersdorp Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a service that personified my dad to a tee!

Elder Daniel H. Hall, an area seventy for the Africa South East Area presided at the service and was the concluding speaker (as my dad would say about that “that was SO cool!”) Sister Mandy Erasmus, a remarkable lady and one of my dad’s (and families) dearest friends gave the opening talk, she hit the nail on the head with every word she spoke and Bishop De Beer was the second speaker. The hymns we sang we some of my dad’s favorites we started off with How Firm a Foundation (85) (we sang all 7 verses, the last verse was my dads favorite) then we sang Come, Come, Ye Saints (30) (my dad loved this song so much, especially the “happy days” part) and we closed with Let the Holy Spirit Guide (143) because this is exactly the way my dad lead his life on earth.

So traumatic as this experience has been I have felt a sense of closeness to my Saviour and Redeemer. The love that He has for me as an individual has been burned into my soul and again the testimony that I have of the truthfulness of the restored and everlasting gospel shines brighter than it ever has.

I KNOW that God lives…. and I KNOW that He loves me!!!!!




What do I love most about my ward? – 19 July 2016

Today we had an activity all about journal keeping for mutual. It was great! We all shared some ideas about different ways of keeping a journal. I must be honest, journal keeping was not my favorite pastime, in fact, I hadn’t kept a journal for years sadly! Thankfully I now have my blog, this is my way of keeping a journal now and I am loving it and I am beginning to catch a glimpse of the importance of keeping records.


As part of the activity we each randomly picked a piece of paper that had a question on it that we should answer and include it as an entry in our journals.

The question I picked was: What do you love most about your ward and why? It was exactly right for me because I love my ward completely!

I attended the Krugersdorp 1st Ward in the Roodepoort, South Africa Stake. I started attending this ward about 2 years ago when I moved from Benoni to Krugersdorp. I found the bishops contact details and called him up, I spoke to his wife and she was so friendly, that night the bishop came around to the house to meet with us and introduce himself. He arranged for a member that lived in the same street as us to show us the way to the chapel that Sunday.

KDP chapel

As we walked into church not knowing a single person there we were overwhelmed with the warmth and welcoming we got! A young man (Dallin Swarts) was at the door, he greeted us with the biggest smile I had ever seen, shook each of our hands with such vigour and welcomed us as if we were his long last best friends. The hugs, hand shakes and smiles just kept coming! For the whole three hours I didn’t only feel welcomed but I felt loved and at home! It was a truly remarkable experience!

It wasn’t long after that sunday that we were invited to lunch with the Harris family (Clifford, Henita, Catherine, David & Paul) and then out of the blue got a phone call from the gate it was Piet & Susan Heydenrych, they had baked some biscuits and wanted to drop them off with us. I felt unreal to me, I was a stranger in the town and yet within two weeks my circle of friends grew to the largest it had ever been!


Now some may say that’s all well and good because you are a “new face” and will expect the welcome to die down, in some way I myself was expecting that but I was so wrong! Two years later and I still feel just as welcomed and at home as I did the first day I walked through those doors, more in fact, each of the members have become a part of my family, they all hold a place in my heart that can’t be replaced!

What I love about my ward is the people, the feeling of family you get not just on Sundays but every day of the week. There is no respecter of persons, there are no “cliques”, from the moment they meet you, you become part of them.

I am currently serving in the Young Women programme as the 1st counsellor (Mia-Maid Advisor), with Rebecca Van Zyl as president and Tumi Sithole as 2nd counsellor. I love my calling, I love the girls, they are all “my girls”! I am amazed at their spirits and their conviction to live and share the gospel! I am so proud of each and every one of them!


The bishop and his counsellors are incredible men and I know that they are called of God.

Today I am grateful for my “extended family” and I love each of them with all my heart. Today I am grateful for my ward.


Romans 5:3-5 (King James Version)

My ponderize scripture for the week of 11 – 19 July 2016 was Romans 5:3-5

“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is spread abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

These verses had particular meaning to me at this time because I could relate to the words so well and see it manifest in my own life. I have often seen why I have needed to go through trials in my life when looking back on them but I can’t remember a time where I have been able to say I am grateful that I had the trial that I did, that was up until very recently when I was able to be there for a friend that was going through a similar experience.

Some of the words that can be related to tribulation are: Affliction; Anguish; Distress; Grief; Misery; Oppression; Persecution; Sorrow; Suffering; Trouble.

To make it more personal I exchanged the word tribulations for each of these words that it could be related to and thought of an experience I have had and looked for the development of patience, experience, and hope in me as a person. I also thought about how I would never imagined that I would get through those situations but I did and that was through the love of God and largely the guidance and support of the Holy Ghost.

I was amazed at how true this was, and it wasnt only true in a few instances, it was true every time! With each trial I did develop patience, I learnt from my experiences, I had a brighter hope for the future and I felt the love of my Father in heaven and guiding influences of the Holy Ghost.

A scripture that was linked in the footnotes to the work tribulation is found in 2 Corinthians 4:17. I loved the comfort and peace it brought to my mind and the hope that it gave

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” 

Our afflictions (tribulations) are ours only for a “moment” and what is being prepared for us is far greater and it’s eternal!


I have learnt so much this week about why we have our trials and how to better handle them.


Ponderize – Devin G. Durrant

In the General Conference address of October 2015, Elder Devin G. Durrant gave a talk about the scriptures and not only reading them.

After this talk, I was inspired and was enthusiastic about taking up the challenge to “ponderize” a scripture each week, but each time I planned on finding a scripture I got caught up in something else. But at last, I have decided to make this a part of my blog, this way I feel a sense of commitment towards the task, not only for my current followers but for my future generations that will be able to read this and in some way get to know me when I am no longer here.

So I will be writing a weekly post on a scripture that I have ponderized the previous week

Here is the excerpt with the challenge and promise from his talk:

“I invite you to “ponderize3 one verse of scripture each week. The word ponderize is not found in the dictionary, but it has found a place in my heart. So what does it mean to ponderize? I like to say it’s a combination of 80 percent extended pondering and 20 percent memorization.

There are two simple steps:

First, choose a verse of scripture each week and place it where you will see it every day.

Second, read or think of the verse several times each day and ponder the meaning of its words and key phrases throughout the week.

Imagine the uplifting results of doing this weekly for six months, a year, 10 years, or more.

As you make this effort, you will feel an increase in spirituality. You will also be able to teach and lift those you love in more meaningful ways.”

My Heart Pondereth Them Continually – Devin G. Durrant

Angels….. In the form of friends

How solid is your support system outside your immediate family?

Humour me for a moment, think about your friends. How much do you rely on them? I’m not only referring to the physical aspect of things, I want you to specifically think about the unseen support they offer to you. Who do you call when you need advice or maybe just to let off some steam? Do you have someone who you can call at any time, day or night, and they will be there to assist you?

Humour me for a moment, think about your friends. How much do you rely on them? I’m not only referring to the physical aspect of things, I want you to specifically think about the unseen support they offer to you. Who do you call when you need advice or maybe just to let off some steam? Do you have someone who you can call at any time, day or night, and they will be there to assist you?

If you answered yes to the above consider yourself lucky!


I can consider myself “lucky” too :). You see, there are two programmes that have been established by, and form part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, these programmes are called Home & Visiting Teaching (click on the link for more information). 

In short, each member/family is assigned home teachers (males) and visiting teachers (females), once each month your home & visiting teachers come and visit with you, share a spiritual message and find out if there is anything you need or that they can do for you.


I have awesome home and visiting teachers, Deryn and Tracy Venski. Every month, without fail they come and visit me and every time they leave I feel uplifted, their visits in my home are like a breath of fresh air! But I am actually double lucky, these two angels aren’t just the “once a month visitors”, they are my friends! I can call them for anything whether it be me or one of my children needing a lift somewhere, a Priesthood Blessing when someone is sick or afflicted, or a WhatsApp conversation in the middle of the day where we can be each others sounding block.

I have, through these two angels, gained a testimony of the importance of these two programmes, I know that they are truly inspired.

Today I am grateful for the home and visiting teaching programmes of the church. I am grateful that I have such wonderful people to be my home and visiting teachers and I am grateful for my testimony and membership of the church.

visiting teaching uplift


My life, my story!

I was prompted to keep a record of my life last night and this is the way I have decided to use.

A journal is a wonderful thing, it is something that you can reflect back on and see how you have grown and changed, it is something that you can learn from and preserve precious moments in time, it will be a way for your family to get to know you long after you have left this mortal life.

I hope this will be beneficial and uplifting to me and all those who take the time to read it.

Who am I?

  • I am a daughter of God!

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was baptized on Saturday,04 March 2000. I was sealed for time and all eternity to my parents on 05 March 2001 and then sealed to my children 31 January 2015. These truths bring me more comfort and peace than any other knowledge I have. Come what may, my family will continue on  into the eternities.

Through the years of my membership I was shaken and tossed in my testimony of the truth, it was always there just dimmed for a  period. My conversion came gradually, my testimony grew stronger with time as I repented and applied the principles that I had been taught in my youth more fully.

My testimony and conversion continues to increase daily as I live the gospel. I am a long shot from perfect in anything but the Lord & my Saviour loves me anyway and that is something i am eternally grateful for.

Through all my days, in happiness, trials, sorrows and worries one thing I know for sure is that God lives, He loves me individually and that He literally is my Heavenly Father.


Photo: South Africa, Johannesburg Temple. 5a Jubilee Road, Parktown, Johannesburg

  • I am a mother!

20 August 2009 @ 00:55am….. The moment in time my life changed forever! I became a mother. I was blessed with a perfect little girl. We named her Tiara. A princess indeed straight from the loving arms of our Father in heaven. She was the start of my “firsts”, what a learning experience it has been and still is! One I wouldn’t exchange for anything.

26 September 2013 @ 00:50am….. A son, my son, mommies boy entered into his mortal existence. His name? Taigen! How I chose it? I don’t really know, I just liked the name.

As both my angels grow I am amazed how different they are. Tiara is gentle, Taigen is boisterous. Taigen is selfless, Tiara makes sure she is OK first. Tiara is dramatic, Taigen is care-free. Taigen loves to help with everything, Tiara…not so much. The list can go on and on but their uniqueness is exactly as it should be. I love them more than words can describe.


Photo: Tiara, 6 years old (bottom left); Me, 27 years old (top middle); Taigen, 2 years old (bottom right)

  • I am a daughter & sister!

I was born to two of the most incredible parents, William Andrews and Jeanne Sharon (Webster) Andrews. I cannot think of two individuals that have done more for me than my wonderful mom and dad, they have loved me unconditionally (which I think must have been near impossible at times, sorry!) they have gone without to make sure I had the best they were able to provide. I love them with all my heart.

When I was 5 and a half years old on May 30, 1995, I became a big sister! My brother was born, Jarryd Stephen Andrews. He was tiny! Over the years Jarryd and I haven’t exactly been the closest of siblings but I am so grateful that we all have the ability to change because now I can say I love my brother, I can look at him and be proud of the man he is becoming. He is a good person that has great potential and I am certain that he will reach that potential and magnify his calling on earth.


Photo from left to right: Mom, Jeanne, 52 years old; Me, 27 years old; brother, Jarryd, 22 years old.

  • I am a friend!

I have been fortunate to have a constant circle of friends through the different stages of my life, the circle might not have been the biggest but I can say that they were all genuine, another thing to be grateful for, how many people can say without a doubt that they have friends that will be there in happy times and then be there to bear you up in times of doubt. The list is way too long to mentioned them all by name, but you know who you are, THANK YOU!!!!

While I have had this blessing in my life at all times I feel a responsibility to also be that friend to others. I hope that when I am remembered those will be fond memories and that I can be counted as a “genuine friend” to those people.


Photo: Austen Gordon, 19 years old (bottom left); Bongiwe Mtsweni, 18 years old (bottom right); Me, 18 years old (top left); Olivia Gordon, 17 years old (top right)