A breath of fresh air… 30 January 2017

I was invited by Sister Linda Dunn (“Mission-Mom” to the Johannesburg, South Africa Mission June 2014 – March 2017) to attend a women’s gathering where we shared lunch, dessert, and testimony with each other. What a wonderful experience it was!

There were over 25 women that attended, and a fun-fact that I wasn’t aware of was that every stake in Gauteng had a representation there. There was most definitely a tangible spirit in the home of absolute strength, a strength that could bear ALL things, a strength that only is only developed by pressing forward through life with “bedrock faith” and an unshakable trust in Christ, our Saviour, and Redeemer.

Some of the ladies in the photo (left) above: Sister Makasi, Sarah Wentzel, Natalie & Tessa Brown, Sister Larson, Sister Mdletshe and her daughter, Me, Isabel Krauss.

We enjoyed an oh-so-tasty lunch of Chicken salad with fruit pieces and homemade rolls (click on the links for the recipes) and then a variety of deserts one being the most delicious trifle I have ever tasted (and I am not usually a trifle person)

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Photos: Left- Sister Wells and Sister Larson who serve at the JHB Mission office with the homemade rolls. Right – Wenzile, serving the food to all of us.


Photo: Dishing up in the kitchen was Irene Tshabalala, Sister Wells, Sister Dunn and Sister Larson.

We also had the opportunity to be edified and uplifted by the testimonies and experiences shared by those coming from, preparing to and currently are serving as missions in various capacities.

We heard from Sarah Wentzel who recently returned from serving an 18-month mission in the Salt Lake City, Temple Square Mission.


She spoke of some treasured experiences from her mission. She spoke of having the Saviour with her at all times because He cares about us individually and loves us so dearly He is there with us, standing shoulder to shoulder, navigating through this mortal experience together. She also mentioned the importance of following the promptings we get. Natalie Brown, Sarah and I had a wonderful discussion at our table about distinguishing what are promptings and what are just thoughts of our own and we reflected on the video series by Elder Bednar called “Patterns of Light” and came to the conclusion that if the thought leads us to do good it doesn’t matter whether it was from the spirit or ourselves we should just go with it. I have not known Sarah much and today was my first real interaction with her but she is a wonderful human being and her love and care for people is inspiring.


Photo: Sarah Wentzel and Irene Tshabalala

We then heard from Andronica Lebethoa, she will be leaving, along with her husband and 4 young children, to serve as Mission President and Companion in the Cape Town, South African Mission in just a few short months. She spoke of the special gift of sisterhood we share thanks to the Relief Society programme, how we can learn from different ladies throughout the different stages of our lives and together we help each other grow both temporally and spiritually. I loved how she stood with such humility yet confidence in her faith as she is about to embark on a new chapter in her life.


Photo: Andronica Lebethoa

Last but not least we heard from Sister Willis and Sister Foxx, they are serving as Seminary & Institute missionaries. They spoke of developing a relationship and relying on your scriptures to guide you through day-to-day living. Sister Foxx also shared her word for the year which was ASK. The answers are all there and they will come if we only but ask the question, the answers might not always be clear or the answers we are hoping for but the answers are there even if that answer turns out to be “wait”.


Photo from left to right: Sister Foxx and Sister Willis

Sister Dunn invited us to ponder a word for 2017 that we would apply to ourselves, after some reflecting and thinking I decided that my word for 2017 would be “FIRST” taken from a scripture in Matthew 6:33 KJV – But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I chose this word because in life we are so busy, and whilst we are busy doing good things I feel like I often neglect the important things like personal and family scripture study and prayer. I chose this word so that it is a reminder and a check point for me throughout the year to make sure that those important things are done and then focus on all the other good things that need doing.


How beautiful is this wall art???

To close off we were treated to a concert worthy musical item by Gianfranco Vizzini where he played the piano and sang “Come unto Christ” (follow the link to watch a version of the song from YouTube) (or you can get the sheet music and words here)


Photo from left to right: Elizabeth Vizzini (Gianfranco’s mom), Sister Dunn, Gianfranco Vizzini (the musical masterpiece)

It left me speechless and so filled with the spirit. I got goosebumps on top of goosebumps and then some more goosebumps on top of all the rest! It was the perfect ending to a perfect afternoon with an invitation that He has extended to all of us and continues to do so day after day,

Come unto Christ.

Come unto Him,

And by His grace be made holy again.

He’s calling your name.

He’s waiting for you

With arms open wide.

Come unto Christ.

So to say the least, this gathering, for me personally, was like a much-needed breath of fresh air. It renewed my hope, gave me the courage to carry on and most importantly reminded me that I am NEVER alone!


PS: All photo credits got to Sister Linda Dunn



4 Minute Cheesecake! Without the cheese!

This is such an easy yet divine dessert for those times when you need to whip something up on a budget and a schedule but still want to be amazing!


1 LTR Yogurt (any flavour)

1 Tin of Condensed Milk

1 – 2 Packets of Tennis Biscuits

Margarine (melted, for the base)


Crush the Tennis biscuits into a fine crumb, add the melted margarine and mix well until moist. Press the biscuit mixture into a dish of your choice to form a base, the base should be well pressed into the bottom and sides of the dish and should be as even as possible. Mix the yoghurt and condensed milk together well and pour over into the dish over the base. Microwave on full power for 4-5 minutes. Place in the fridge until set, at least 4 hours.

Serve, eat and enjoy!